Spring Festival Doubles Game Invitation

Sponsored and Held by Wolf Team and Nova Tiger Wolf Badminton Club

To cerebrating Lunar New Year, All Badminton enthusiasts are invited to join this tournament. After the tournament, we will have a Spring Festival reunion dinner.
Time: Sunday, January 29, 2012 10:30 am – end (proximately 5pm)
時間: 2012 年1月29日星期天 上午10:30 - 結束(下午5時左右)
Place: LABC
地點: LABC
Tournament fee: $20/ pairs (2 Red luck envelops, Tournament shuttlecock Yonex 50 included), entry fee needs to paid when you sign up
比賽費用: 每對 $20 (包括 2個好運利是紅包, 比賽用Yonex 50羽毛球在內)當你在加入報名時, 比賽費用需要同時支付.
Shuttlecock: Yonex 50 shuttlecocks only.
羽毛球: 使用的Yonex 50羽毛球.
Registration: You need to sign up as a Men or women doubles team (with your partner together) to Megan Lin by E-mail: (meganlin2010@hotmail.com) or call Liu Bill 626-297-4848 on or before 01/15/12, due the court availability, we have the limitation of entry, please sign up early to guarantee your spot. If you do not have a partner, please let us know, we will try our best to find someone same about your level.
報名: 你必須以一個男双, 女双或混雙組合(和雙打搭檔一起) 參加, 請在2012年1月15日之前用電郵或親身向Megan Lin電子郵件地址 (meganlin2010@hotmail.com)或致電劉 Bill 626-297-4848報名.由於場地有限, 參加人數有限, 請儘早報名, 以保證你的位置. 如果你沒有搭檔,請告訴我們,我們會盡力找你一個水平相同的搭檔.
Tournament committee:
Tournament Chairman:, Lisa Zhou, Leping Huang, Jack Shen, Joe Lee and Liyong Ying,
Tournament Director: Megan Lin and Liu Bill
賽事主席: Lisa Zhou, Leping Huang, Jack Shen, Joe Lee and Liyong Ying, .
賽事總監: Megan Lin and Liu Bill
Game format::
Competition format will be 4 matches guaranteed and two doubles and two mixed doubles.
比賽形式將會保證4場比賽, 兩個雙打與兩個混合雙打.
You will play two matches with you own partner and two matches of different event with another partner who assigned to you by your captains.
你與自己搭檔將會打兩場比賽, 和另一個隊長安排給你的搭檔打和兩場不同的比賽.
We are using 21 points of best two of Three score system.
Round Robin for each level competition
All participates will be drawn to two team: Money Team and Lucky Team, Megan Lin will be Money team's Captain and Bill Liu will be Lucky Team's Captain. Two Captains will take turn to pick their teammates and will appointed one of the teammate as the assistant Captain afterwards. Each time the captain will pick a pairs, and assign to the appropriate competition level. Draw day will be announced later in Facebook.
所有參加的球員將會抽成兩個隊: 由Megan Lin帶領的發財隊 和由Bill Liu帶領的幸運隊, 兩名隊長將輪流挑選自己的隊友, 並將會指派一個球員作為副隊長. 每次每一個隊長將挑選兩名球員,並分配到適當的競賽級別. 抽籤將改天在Facebook宣布.
Tournament rules:
During the competition, if you have any disagreement or complain, please talk to your captain and report to tournament desk, please do not discuss or argue with your opponents.
We recommend you and your partner always wear same color shirts to display teamwork spirit.
顯示團隊合作精神, 我們建議你和你的搭檔總是穿著同一顏色的運動衫.?
Before the game start, if substitute player must be the same level of the original player, and have to be approved by two team captains.
During the competition, if because of injury or some urgent thing happened, a player has to stop playing, one or more than one of the players in the same level group can take turn to substitute this retired player.
在比賽開始之前,替補球員必須和原來的的球員相同的程度. 並要兩個隊長批准。
在比賽中, 如果因傷病或一些緊急的事情,球員需退出比賽, 在同級別組的球員之中,可由一個或多個輪流來替代這一名退出球員。

Name Partner's name Event (please circle one) Payment ($20)
    MD        WD             XD  
Completion Level:
1. 龍馬精神 Ryoma spirit
Higher Level, more competitive and skillful games.
高的水平. 具競爭力和熟練技術的比賽。
2. 虎虎生威Tiger Prestige
Ability, Strategy and technical game.
能力, 戰略和技術的競賽.
3, 春意盎然Spring Modality
Mixed Double Game, Cooperation, strategy and technical game.
混合雙打,合作能力., 戰略和技術的競賽.
4. 和氣生財Harmony prosperity
Players have capability and skills but more enjoy playing games and having fun.
具有能力和技巧, 但更享受打羽毛球樂趣.
5. "春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花Cursory Day
More prefer recreational games, get enough excise and sweat.
6. 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春colorful spring
Life is not easy, whoever would like to play the game more relax and easier, no pressure but just for fun…
生活已經不容易, 誰願玩得更放鬆,更容易, 在這裡沒有任何壓力,只有樂趣....