1. 本球隊名稱 NOVA TIGER
2. NOVA TIGER 是由本球隊會長沈崗先生號召成立. 是非盈利性的羽毛球隊, 從事羽毛球相関活動, 任何熱愛羽毛球運動的人士, 只要接受本會的章程, 並經審核批準通過, 便何成為我們的一員.
3. 宗旨, 為羽毛球愛好者建立平台, 推廣羽毛球運動, 交流球技, 增進友誼.
4. NOVA TIGER 球隊網站
5. 成為NOVA TIGER 隊友的基本原則.
a. 接受並自覺遵守球隊章程.
b. 熱愛羽毛球運動, 能夠在工作, 學業之餘参加球隊活動.
c. 集體榮譽意識, 有團隊精神, 有少數服從多數的大局觀.
d. 参加 NOVA TIGER. 球隊希望球友能以球隊的利益為前提, 如 NOVA TIGER 以球隊名義和其他球隊打對抗賽時. 敬希以 NOVA TIGER 為優先决定.
e. 本球隊乃非盈利機構, 本球隊經費由本球隊會長沈崗生生提供,所以不會收取任何費用. (打球個人費用由本人承担) 球隊不會提供.
6. 組織制度 *(管理組成員名單)
a. 會長由球隊創始人担任, 如創始人因個人理由不能担任, 則由原會長提出人選, 由理事投票决定產生新會長.
b. 日常事務管理由會長及其指定的管理團隊負責. 管理團隊由會長任命.
c. 會長對理事會的建議有不采納權利.
7. 理事會 *(理事會成員名單)
a. 理事會由會長提名.
b. 會長可邀請對球隊有貢獻或有特殊技能為球隊發展提供支持的人担任.
c. 理事成員11人, 當有5-7人可開會論事負責理事會日常事務.
8. 理事會職責
a. 理事會成員仍義務性質.
b. 制定球隊發展規劃提供會長參考.
c. 向會長建議有益於建設, 推廣方案, 并監督執行.
d. 分担球隊對外聯絡事宜.
9. 財務制度
a. 球隊屬非盈利性組織, 日常球隊開銷源於沈崗會長提供.
a. 本章程的最終解釋權歸本球隊會長.
b. 球隊章程修改須經理事會成員表决并報會長審核通過.
c. 本會章自2011年10 月1日生效


1. The Team Name: NOVA TIGER
2. NOVA TIGER is established by the team president, Mr. Jack Shen.
NOVA TIGER badminton team is non-profit organization engage in badminton related. We are welcome all the badminton fans to become one of our team member. You have to agree and accept the member regulation, and approval by the council members.
3. NOVA TIGER is here to invite all the badminton fans to promote badminton, improve your skills, and enhance friendship together.
4. NOVA TIGER team website

a. Agree the member regulation.
b. Love badminton and able to attend team activities.
c. Sense of collective honor, have team spirit, and agree with majority.
d. When members participate in NOVA TIGER's activities, we hope all members can benefit NOVA TIGER when we play against another teams.
6. Organizational System *(Current Executive Members)
a. The founder is automatically become our team president. If the founder due to the personal reason can't be our team president, he will submit nominations and vote by the council members to generate new president.
b. The management team is appointed by the president and they will take cares all the daily affairs.
c. The president has the right to not adopt council's proposal.
7. The Council *(Current Councillors)
a. Council members are nominated by the president.
b. President may also invite members who willing to contribute or special skills to develop our team to become one of our council.
c. There are 9 council members. The council meeting on the matter of daily affairs must be hold by 5 to 7 council members.
8. Council's Duties
a. All council members are all volunteers.
b. Propose the planning and how to develop the team to team president.
c. Recommend to the team president of promote suggestions and monitor implementation.
d. Communicate with members and other badminton team for all the issues.
9. Financial System
NOVA TIGER's funding is provided by the team president, Mr. Jack Shen. NOVA TIGER will not charge any additional fee. NOVA TIGER will not provide any personal expenses.
10. The team president has the final interpretation of this regulation.
11. The council members need to hold a meeting to discuss and vote before any change made on this regulation.
12. This team regulation is effect on October 1, 2011.